Séraphin's jacket has tears. As he's greedy, he doesn't want a new one. However, money isn't lacking.
What will his wife Donalda do?
Donalda leaves his jacket as it is. She knows her husband and his greed too well. He would never want Donalda to repair it. As for buying another one, certainly not.
END: Nothing changed.
She insists to her husband so that she can fix his jacket.
"You're a land agent and *the* mayor! You have to look good for the people."
"'Look good', yup. You're not wrong, woman. Here."
Séraphin left his jacket and Donalda mended it. Since she only had white thread, her seams show on Séraphin's blue jacket. Séraphin wasn't happy with the result, but he didn't say anything to his wife. The alternative would have been for Donalda to go and buy blue thread. Spending money on nonsense is out of the question, according to the dear greedy Séraphin.
END: Jacket repaired with white thread.
Donalda "borrows" money from her husband, she knows his hiding places, and she will buy him a new jacket. When Séraphin asks her where she got it, Donalda can't lie to him.
"I took some coins to buy it for you."
"ESTI DE TARBARNACK! Woman, you dare to steal from me? MY money?"
"No, NO, Séraphin! I should have asked for your permission, but don't get angry about it. It's only a jacket!"
"A jacket that costs the earth!"
"Come on now! It's only 25 cents."
"25 cents! 25 CENTS! Damn de crisse de thieves! You've been had, woman. Come with me, we'll sort it out."
Despite Donalda's pleas, she and Séraphin return the jacket to the store. Séraphin took the opportunity to argue with the person who had sold the jacket to his wife. Donalda had to watch the conversation so that it didn't end in a fist fight.
Back home, she asked her husband if she was going to be punished. By corporal punishment, as was the custom at the time. Often the husband whipped his wife with his belt.
"Yes, woman, but not with my belt. You're going to get down on your knees and pray to The Good Lord to forgive your sins."
"Of course, Séraphin."
Donalda knelt down beside her husband and prayed.
END: Returned jacket.